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Idaho Falls LDS Temple Exit | Wedding Teaser Video | Abigail + Nolan

Aaron and I made a 430-mile roundtrip drive to shoot Nolan and Abigail's wedding at the Twin Falls LDS Temple. They were married on a warm summer day surrounded by a large group of family and friends.

One thing I will never forget about this wedding was how the weather teased us with rain almost the entire day. In fact, on the way down here, we drove through the most epic downpour of rain and had to slow down to 35 mph just to make it through safely.

Traveling to Idaho to shoot their wedding was an adventure to say the least. Thankfully, just before the Temple exit, the clouds parted, and the sun shined through the rest of the day for the happy couple.

Something we love to do for our wedding clients is to make little teasers of photos and videos of their wedding day. Editing can a while so this is a great way to tie the couple over until we can send along the final product.

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